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2 August 2024

National AI Challenge

A unique opportunity to work with a team of software engineers and data scientists on an AI application to optimize your business operations. This is possible with the National AI Challenge.
AI offers great opportunities for business, but not all companies are able to recognize where those opportunities lie and/or to take advantage of them. And yet the Netherlands has a very strong knowledge position in the field of AI. That is why the Dutch AI Coalition (NL AIC) and Kickstart AI are joining forces and organizing the National AI Challenge.

Participate in the National AI Challenge
We call on companies and social organizations to submit a use case in which AI can optimize business operations. To have a chance of selection, the use case must also be relevant to multiple parties. To formulate a good use case, broad knowledge of AI is not required. “It is first and foremost important to know your own company well and to consider where the bottlenecks are,” says Janneke Niessen, jury member of the National AI Challenge and founder and investor at CapitalT. “It is a pitfall to think that you have to look for applications based on technology. If you know how your company works, where the bottlenecks are and where you want to go with your company, you can more easily recognize where there are opportunities for the application of AI,” Janneke continues.
Selection criteria
The selection process carefully examines whether the intended AI application actually has a positive impact on the strategy, business operations and/or employees of the organization. In addition, it is also important that the insights from the challenge can be shared widely and that sufficient high-quality data is available to solve the challenge. Interested in submitting a use case? The challenge is open to participants in the NL AIC, and organizations that work on the use case together with a participant from the NL AIC.  

Interested? Submit your use case before August 16!
Will your company or social organization become the great source of inspiration for the Dutch business community to apply AI? Register now easily! Look here for more information and consult this overview of the characteristics of a good use case, and submit your case before August 16, 2024 via the registration form.
Read everything here!

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